Live Life From Your Heart

 Connect to your heart and allow yourself to live Your life


Here is an invitation to allow all that you feel to be expressed 


We support you to go deep within and listen to the parts that hasn't been heard yet


Join Free Course: Free Your Natural Voice

This is Joseph

He's been walking the path of Music for 20 years. Throughout his life he has been dedicated to the path of the Heart. He has developed a deep listening capacity that supports him in his work of hearing when the voice is connected to the body - to the heart - allowing him to support and guide himself and others in to their authentic voice. 

It is time to clear those patterns of holding the voice and let it roam free.

Not only for our own sake. Now more than ever do we need a people who speaks the truth! It is time to express what has been hiding in the dark.

Working with your voice is to give yourself the opportunity to be seen and heard fully. It is to meet the parts of you that was stopped from being expressed. It is to open the natural voice & the natural expression of the heart. It is to allow more of life to flow through. 

Discovery Call

1 on 1 Sessions

In person Vocal Activations & Throat De-armoring. Get hands on help & guidance to open yourself up to your voice fullest potential.

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Workshops & Retreats

We do retreats in Sweden & Bali
Join us for a deep transformative journey live. 
Please contact us to be informed of upcoming retreats

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Online Material

Can't make it to our live offerings? Don't worry, we are working with both group and 1on1 sessions online.

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